Autistica, London, United KingdomGeneral Information
Autistica is the leading autism research charity. Our vision is a long, healthy, happy life for autistic people and their families.
We harness the potential of cutting-edge science to improve the lives of everyone affected by autism by:
- Improving outcomes for autistic people of all ages through world-class research.
- Growing autism research through innovative collaborations with other funders, campaigning for increased state investment and developing capacity and infrastructure within the research community.
- Bridging the gaps between researchers, policymakers and autistic people, ensuring that services are evidence-based and research responds to the autism community’s needs and desires.
Autistica will be primarily involved in the Autism Policy and Communication projects to support the involvement of, and communication with autistic people, families and other relevant stakeholders in the research process. Autistica is globally recognised as world leaders for involvement across both medical research and the autism field.
Autistica will also participate in the European Clinical Research Network, to help develop a strategy to ensure that the research program is sustainable.

James Cusack
Director of Science

Bethan Davies
Discover Coordinator

Lorcan Kenny
Discover Lead

Rebecca Sterry
Senior Communications Manager