Clinical Trials Network

European Clinical Research Network

We will develop a network to reduce barriers to running clinical trials in autism


Our network will connect individuals at over 120 sites across 37 countries in Europe. It is called the Clinical Trials Network.

Benefits for sites: Involvement in multi-centre studies through a single point of contact

Benefits for clinicians and researchers: Access to training and education around autism and clinical trials that will enhance services that families receive in their local centres.

Benefits for autistic people and their families. Participation in therapy studies at their local centres that are part of large-size, collaborative clinical science efforts. The network aims to demonstrate that personalised medicine approaches can improve wellbeing for autistic people who require medication. 

To find out more about the network, contact Alexandra Lautarescu, King’s College London.


Developing a clinical infrastructure  

The AIMS-2-TRIALS Clinical Network builds on the infrastructure that was developed by the previous project EU-AIMS. The Network now spans 37 countries. It will conduct safe and high-quality trials of emerging therapies to support autistic people who may benefit from medical and other therapies.

To develop a high-quality Clinical Trials Network, AIMS-2-TRIALS will:

(1) Facilitate involvement in clinical trials and collaborative European-wide research projects:

(2) Improve opportunities for networking and training:

  • Develop a network of early-career researchers – over 120 scientists have already joined our network – and support training opportunities, internships and lab exchanges
  • Organise webinars and satellite meetings at conferences to facilitate collaboration and generate networking opportunities

(3) Enhance communication and dissemination:

  • Disseminate press releases of the latest developments within AIMS-2-TRIALS, new publications and project outreach activities

To join the AIMS-2-TRIALS Clinical Trials Network, or learn more about our early career researcher network, please contact Alexandra Lautarescu.


 Lead: Tony Charman,
King’s College London


 Lead: Lorraine Murtagh,

Albanian Children’s Foundation


Medical University Vienna (Dept of Paediatrics)


University Clinic in Vienna (Dept of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)


Ghent University (Dept Clinical & Health Psychology)


Universitaire Kinder-en Jeugdpsychiatrie


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Expertise Centre Autism


Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo Paediatric Hospital (Child Neurology)


St. Nicholas University Hospital Alexandrovska (Clinic of Child Psychiatry)


University Hospital St. Marina (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)


Rehabilitation Centre (Faculty of Education & Rehabilitation Sciences)


2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University & Motol University Hospital (Dept of Paediatric Psychiatry)


University Hospital Brno (Dept of Paediatric Neurology)


Aalborg University Hospital (Research Unit for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)


University Southern Denmark, Mental Health Hospital & University Clinic (Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Dept)


University of Copenhagen, Mental Health Centre for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


Aarhus University Hospital Centre for Psychiatric Research


Tallinn Children’s Hospital


University and University Hospital of Oulu (Child Psychiatry Dept)


University of Eastern Finland


University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital (Dept of Neuropsychiatry)


University Tampere (Dept Psychology)


Turku University (Child Psychiatry Dept)


Université Toulouse II - Le Mirail (Dept Psychopathology)


La Salpêtrière Hospital


Neurosciences Cognitives


University Hospital Tours France, INSERM


Klinik fur Kinder-/Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie


LVR-Klinik Bonn (Dept Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)


Central Institute for Mental Health


University of Ulm


University of Marburg (Dept Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)


KBO-Klinikum Taufkirchen


KBO-Heckscher-Klinikum, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Hospital


KBO - Kinderzentrum Munchen


KBO Isar Amper Klinikum, Munich East


University Hospital Frankfurt


Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg (Dept of Psychology)


University of Athens, Attiko General Hospital (2nd Dept Psychiatry)


ELTE University (Faculty of Special Education)


Autism Foundation (Autizmus)


State Diagnostic and Counselling Centre


Trinity Centre for Health Sciences (Dept Psychiatry)


Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem (Dept Psychology)


Hadassah-Hebrew Univ. Hospitals (Neuro-Cognitive Centre)


The Weinberg Child Developmental Center at Sheba Medical Center


University Pisa, IRCCS Stella Maris


Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma


Unit of Child Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Messina


University of Cagliari / Cagliari University Hospital


IRCSS Children's Hospital Bambino Gesu


University Hospital of Siena


Fondation Autisme Luxembourg


University Children's Hospital


Mater Dei Hospital (Dept Paediatrics)


Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre & Karakter Child & Adolescent Psychiatry University Centre


University Medical Centre Utrecht (Dept of Psychiatry)


Accare University Centre for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


Oslo University Hospital


Akershus University Hospital


University of Warsaw


Centre for Biodiversity, Functional and Integrative Genomics & Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência


University of Coimbra


Victor Babes National Institute


“Alexandru Obregia” Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry


Institute of Mental Health


Bratislava LFUK a DFNsP


Institute of ASD


INFOAUTISMO - University of Salamanca


Institute of Rare Diseases Research


Hospital Clinic de Barcelona


Policlinica Gipuzkoa, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Unit


CIBERSAM Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón


University of Serville


Hospital Sant Joan de Deu (Unit for Autism Spectrum Disorder) University Hospital Mutua de Terrassa (Child and Adolescent Unit)


Gothenburg University (Dept Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)


Karolinska Institute, Institute for Women's and Children's Health, KIND


University of Zurich


Gazi Universitesi


Meram Faculty of Medicine


University of Cambridge (Autism Research Centre)


University of Cardiff


University of Edinburgh


King’s College London, IoPPN


University College London


St Thomas' Hospital


University of Manchester


University of Newcastle (incl: Sir James Spence Institute, Royal Victoria Infirmary and Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders Service)


Ukrainian Research Institute of Social & Forensic Psychiatry & Drug Abuse


Department of Psychiatry. CIBERSAM, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus


Ben Gurion University


Centre Ressources Autisme - Aquitaine


CHU University Hospital Center


University Hospital Cologne


University of Glasgow


Universitätsmedizin Göttingen


University of Groningen


University of Versailles


University of Leuven


Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie – TU Munich


Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry


University of Nantes


Centre Hospitalier Sainte Anne


CNRS PARIS 7 UMR3571 Department of Neuroscience, Center of Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and integrative Biology




IRCSS Fondazione Mondino


University Hospital Reims


University of Seville


University Hospital Strasbourg and Centre Ressources Autisme - Alsace


University of Turin
