Policlínica Gipuzkoa Foundation
Fundazioa Policlínica Gipuzkoa Fundación, Donostia, San Sebastián, SpainGeneral Information
Our Policlínica Foundation (Fundazioa Policlínica Gipuzkoa Fundación, FPGF), created in 2004, is the research and educational branch of Policlínica Gipuzkoa Quirónsalud, the largest and more sophisticated private general hospital in the Basque Country of Spain. Although the Foundation has done research in many medical areas, there has been a strong bias for neurosciences. Thus, over these past 14 years, the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service, have led and/or participated in 17 medical projects in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) and/or autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
In the particular area of ASD, we enjoy a close relationship with the Gautena regional program, an initiative started in 1978 by a group of parents in the County of Gipuzkoa, which is endorsed by the public authority. The team leader for ASD in the FPGF serves as the voluntary Research Consultant for Gautena; ensuring close coordination for the diverse projects that have been developed in the past for autism: clinical trials, development of assistive technologies, epidemiological studies and immunological research. The Gautena (Gipuzkoa Autism Society) program has a complete network of integrated community services and supports the needs of over 400 local people of all ages with a formal diagnosis of ASD, who benefit from almost 240 staff members; including ten of them who are mental health specialists. This program was awarded in 2016, by the European Parliament, the European Citizen Award, and it is valued as an inspiring model for other areas of the world. Gautena is an associated charity of AIMS-2-TRIALS.
We take part in European Clinical Research Network; thus, participating in a clinical network to improve drug assessment and becoming involved in clinical trials of new medicines for ASD.
As part of Policy and communication, we will disseminate the objectives and achievements of the different studies performed in AIMS-2-TRIALS, among stakeholders, mainly in Northern Spain, and professional bodies in our area of influence.
Joaquín Fuentes
Ana Agirre
Research Assistant
Andere Altxu
Research Assistant
Jesús García
Irma Isasa
Research Assistant
Ana Osa
Research Assistant
Ana Porcel
Research Assistant