The International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) is a scientific and professional organisation devoted to advancing knowledge about autism. The INSAR Annual Meeting (formerly IMFAR) is the Society’s scientific meeting, convened each May, to exchange and disseminate new scientific progress among autism research scientists and their trainees from around the world.
In early May 2021, members of the AIMS-2-TRIALS consortium presented at INSAR 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. Read about a selection of these, below.
Adult Outcome: Medical, Cognitive, Behavioral, Social, Adaptive, Vocational: Towards Cross- and Multimodal Biomarker Discovery in Autism – Updates from the AIMS-2-TRIALS Project
This was a panel session exploring some of the latest AIMS-2-TRIALS findings, including updates from EEG, eye tracking and structural and functional brain imaging work. Researchers presented innovative techniques and described developmental differences and how these may be linked to different outcomes in autistic people. Presenters included Professor Emily Jones, Dr Luke Mason, Dr Charlotte Pretzsch and Dr Dori Floris, and discussion was chaired by Professor Jan Buitelaar.
Early Quantitative and Later Qualitative Neural Differences during Face Processing in Autistic Individuals from Childhood to Adolescence.
Haartsen, R., Mason, L., Garces, P., Gui, A., Charman, T., Johnson, M.H., Tillmann, J., Buitelaar, J.K., Loth, E., Murphy, D., Jones, E.J.H., & the EU-AIMS LEAP team.
Infants with later ASD have less Night Sleep, and this relates to emerging developmental differences in social attention
Jannath Begum Ali (Birkbeck, University of London)
Sex Differences in Looking Trends in Autistic Individuals: A Report from the EU-AIMS LEAP Cohort Using Dynamic Videos
Teresa Del Bianco
Polygenic contributions to face-sensitive cortical responses in infants with a family history of autism
Anna Gui, Emma Meaburn (Birkbeck, University of London)
COVID-19 Health and Social Care Access for Autistic People and Individuals with Intellectual Disability: A European Policy Review
B. Oakley (KCL)
Amygdala Connectivity As a Marker for Social Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder
G. Bussu (Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen)
An Integrated Analysis of Autism Associated Inter-Individual Variations of Gray and White Matter Morphology
T. Mei (Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen)
Service Experiences of Autistic People and Family Carers in Europe: Access-EU Study
Joyce Man (on behalf of the University of Cambridge team based at the Autism Research Centre)
Altered Salience Processing during Visual Exploration in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Nico Bast, Christine Ecker, Christine M Freitag (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Altered Locus Coeruleus Activity during Reaction Time Performance in Autism
Nico Bast (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Lower Sex Prediction Accuracy in Females with Autism Supports the Extreme Male Brain Theory
Dorothea Floris (Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen)
A Connectome-Wide Mega-Analysis of Functional Dysconnectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Iva Ilioska (Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen)
Multivariate Analysis of Atypical Patterns of fMRI Connectivity Modulation in Autism
Tristan Looden (Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen)
Cross-Modal Analyses Define Atypical Connectivity Biomarkers in Autism
Dori Floris, Charlotte Pretzsch, Emily Jones, Luke Mason, Jan Buitelaar